Monday, July 01, 2002

To the Labor Party
Here’s one ex-party member who’s not planning to vote for you next time. And not because she’s voting “Meretz”!

I have a suggestion for your Party Convention. How about discussing why you’re so unpopular? You won’t, of course, because you’ll be too busy bickering and scrambling for power. No wonder you’re so clueless (Really clueless, not like Stephen Den Beste who’s only pretending).

Ben-Dror Yemini discussed this in Maariv a few weeks ago (my translation):
“Many (Israelis) that support concessions (to the Palestinians) vote for Right-wing (Parties), just because of their abhorrence of the Israeli Left.

[…] How is it possible to explain this paradox? How is it possible to explain the strong inclination to the Right, as far as voting is concerned, in contrast to the sharp and consistent inclination to the Left, as far as solutions are concerned?

Well, the majority of the (Israeli) public detests the Left more than it supports painful concessions. The feeling, prevalent for many years, that the Left is looking after the Palestinians has not altered. The Left is making every effort to justify its bad reputation. […] A Left that organizes conferences at which patriotism sounds like leprosy is a disconnected Left. A Left that is unable of saying that Arafat is a man of terror and not a leader of peace, is an unreliable Left. A Left that is not capable of declaring that the Palestinian incitement is the cause of the terrorism, and not the occupation, is a Left of deception. A Left that cannot explain to the Palestinians that there will never be a right of return will always be suspected of sleepwalking.”