If only this were true!
An Irish peace activist with the unlikely name of Sallah Afifi says, in a letter he writes from Ramle prison (awaiting deportation): “Despite the exclusive media coverage of aggressive Palestinian actions, the majority of people I have met in the West Bank are crying out for a peaceful solution to the occupation”.
Why do I only ever read this in sites written by Western or Israeli pro-Palestinian activists, many of whom speak no Arabic and therefore don’t know what’s really being said around them in Palestinian circles? Why is there no sign of this yearning for a peaceful solution on Palestinian television? Why is it not reflected in Palestinian newspapers? (Besides a solitary petition that was apparently widely mocked?) Or in Palestinian opinion polls?
Gaza and Jericho are still under self rule, why are there no demonstrations in those cities calling for a cessation of Palestinian hostilities and a demand for a return to negotiations?
He also says “Many soldiers I have encountered have the shame of their actions etched on their faces. They go as far as to motion me to one side, away from superiors and admit they realise they are committing senseless acts of harassment and worse. […] Soldiers claim they have no choice. One whispered, “I just want to go home.” It is not the short prison sentence they seem to fear for refusing to serve in the Occupied Territories but being ostracized from family and friends. At times I felt they demanded forgiveness from me to help them absolve themselves from the crimes they commit. I found it impossible to respond as they carry out their orders with deadly accuracy”.
Sorry, don’t believe it. He’s wishful thinking here, trying to read into it things that aren’t there. Of course, the soldier would rather go home. What the soldier meant was I’m just doing my job quit bugging me. He felt they were “demanding forgiveness”, they were probably just treating him politely. “Deadly accuracy”? Like the terrorists? That “deadly”?
A few months ago, in the middle of “Defensive Shield”, which was a very stressful period for Israelis, you’ll remember, I happened to watch some young combat soldiers who were guarding an army facility for a special event. I was tremendously impressed by their dedication, responsibility and discipline. They knew why they were there and they believed in what they were doing.
I’d say the great majority of soldiers and policemen in roadblocks know that they are protecting their loved ones from indiscriminate mass murderers. They know their being there gives the terrorists a hard time by making it much more difficult to get perpetrators and explosives through to Jewish areas. They know the inconvenience they are causing civilians will probably save Israeli lives.
"Peace" activists will just have to keep on fantasizing that they see widespread dissent where it just isn't to be found.