Saturday, August 10, 2002

Good guys and bad guys
Marcus Gee from the Canadian Globe and Mail wishes to remind us that it's Iraq that is breaking the law, not the US. "saying that it would be illegal to act against Mr. Hussein without a new mandate from the UN ... is like saying it would be illegal to arrest Bonnie and Clyde without passing a new law against bank robbery".

But who's saying it would be illegal? The Guardian for a start (Surprise, surprise). They actually have the gall to talk about the casualties! Saddam torturing and killing off his own countrymen? Oh, isn't it just awful, what those poor Iraqis have to go through! Absolutely! It's all horrible and abhorrent. How about we do something about it? Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea at all. Think about the casualties.

By the way, they're soooo worried about the effects of bio/chemo war. They must have forgotten who's on the receiving end. It's OK, chaps, it's only those nasty Israelis.