I really have to get to bed or I'll be useless tomorrow
But I just have to say that Haaretz was so idiotic today (besides Ze'ev Schiff) that at one point I found myself pulling out my hair in disbelief and exasperation (luckily I've got quite a lot of it, hair that is). Part of it the "good" stuff isn't in the English online version. For instance, a student named Eli Shmueli who states that "the left (in Israel) is alive and kicking, but the media are seperating it from the citizens and preventing it's message from reaching the desperate, expectant public". Who gave this bozo a column? I say: Send him back to radical leftie university rags, where he obviously belongs (and throw away the key)!
Not as dramatic, but no less ludicrous is Gideon Samet, talking about "the blitz" Amram Mitzna created (there was a blitz and I missed it?) when he anounced his candidacy for Labor Party chairman. He thinks Mitzna was very wise to call for giving "another chance to negotiations with the Palestinians, without preconditions...".
I could continue, there's more, much more. But I really need some sleep.