Thursday, August 08, 2002

An Israeli Arab voices a different view
A refreshing commentary, by Billal Shalata, Master of Communications and Journalism, Hebrew University:

(I apologize for the translation. This was very difficult to translate, for some reason. Maybe it was originally written in Arabic, because it doesn’t come over very well in Hebrew)

Another Leadership is Necessary

The terrorist attack on the Hebrew University cafeteria made me furious. The bodies strewn on the floor, hugs of Arab and Jewish students, while worried voices in the background asked after their friends. Meanwhile the Arab Media are transmitting messages and substance that have become a part of the Palestinian resistance, but have forgotten about human value and honor. They are waging a communications war that is feeding on bloody human bodies, strewn among the wreckage and alongside the tanks. … The Media coverage has made me doubt the true aims of the new Arab television stations that presented themselves at the outset as intending to bring values of openness against the fortified regimes in their palaces.

And where do we, the Arab Palestinians in Israel, stand? The leadership of this community has, in my view, been stricken with symptoms of a mental illness, with a propensity to losing the community it represents. When Knesset Members appear on satellite channels, what they say sounds like it was coordinated with the Palestinian Authority’s public relations and spokesmen’s layout. This leadership has forgotten that it is meant to represent the collective suffering of the minority that elected it, and to work towards a solution to its hardship. Its leaders repeat, over and over again that “only resistance will bring freedom”. A person like Azmi Bishara makes me angry: In his words there is no search for a rationale that will allow us to live here. Now, more than ever, there is a need for an Arab leadership that will appear on the television screens, and be unequivocal. It must lead a social campaign that will demand a cessation of terrorist attacks, in order to focus more on the deepening social problems. We would rather see an Arab Palestinian leadership in Israel that would look for a new horizon, in partnership with Jewish colleagues who believe in a real coexistence.”